This 100% Smooth Aluminium Foil Ball Is Visual Therapy

Pretty inventive stuff comes out of Japan. Recently, a DIY aluminium foil smooth ball trend (we don’t even know what to call it) has been hitting social media. Watch a video of a man attempt the trend:

Since most of us DON’T know Japanese (we tried turning on the subtitles; there aren’t any), watching the video was pretty much useless. But the man used a rather methodical process to smoothen his aluminium ball, so we caught how he achieved it bit by bit.
After crushing foil into a ball, he placed the foil ball in a semicircle mould and began hammering from the other side of the mould, creating a smoother, more even curvature to his foil ball. Then, he continued whacking the ball carefully until it was satisfactorily circular. To completely rid the foil ball of bumps, he sandpapered the surface, then did it under running water, and then with a sponge. After towelling the ball dry, it looked literally so round and perfect the surface was actually kind of reflective!
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We don’t really know whether to applaud those who complete this trend as hardworking or shrug because, it really doesn’t matter? Nonetheless, they’re pretty fun to marvel at. Still beats kids putting condoms up their noses.