According to Millennials, This Is What Millennials Need To Stop Doing

Millennials shaming millennials? Once a thing reserved for the older generation, we’ll admit that us millennials can be excessively oblivious and full of ourselves at times, as films including The Hate You Give and The Devil Wears Prada have famously depicted.

Thirsty for sarcasm and self-deprecation, we’ve compiled the most common millennial stereotypes and behavioural traits our counterparts wish we’d put to a halt. So, are you guilty of these sins?

Using Instagram Live while driving

millennials need to stop doing
Photo credit: @Imjennim

“There are two main components to this bad boy — the use of social media while driving and those not finding a problem doing it. On the former, using Instagram or tweeting while behind the wheel warrants a loss of concentration to your surroundings. The latter, if you are guilty of this, you obviously have no self-respect for yourself nor concern for others on the road. From YouTubers vlogging to friends playfully videoing you while you drive, where is the concern for your life? That’s not all — the blatant disregard for public safety I’ve witnessed after advising friends to stop doing so… thanks for letting others know you are an asshole.”— Sinead Lee, 24

Sporting workout attire while wearing fancy jewellery 

Photo credit: @Paudictado

“The way you can tell the difference between those that actually work out versus those that don’t, are those that wear jewellery. While it’s mainly an influx of younger women that I see simply posing at the gym (or outside of it), with necklaces and earrings on. It’s all for the gram and it really irks me. Call me dramatic, but why are millennials sporting workout attire if you have no intention of sweating it out?”— Thomas, 36

Splurging on $8 morning coffees

millennials need to stop doing
Photo credit: @Sophiachang

“I work in Clarke Quay and every morning as I get my coffee fix from Toast Box, I regularly see those younger working professionals walking out of high-end cafes with a takeaway cup in hand. A frequent sighting. Such a common feat that I once decided to walk into those artisanal coffee shops and check out their menu; pleasing aesthetics aside, the drink prices were easily $6-$8. Not to mention, I see the same group usually order again during lunchtime. There’s a good chance that these are the millennials that always ask their friends where does their money go. I know the answer.”— Daphne, 35

Sharing your “staged” underwear pictures on social media

millennials need to stop doing
Photo credit: @Heyclaire

“I usually get flak for saying this, but I absolutely have enough of girls AND guys posing in their underwear… especially on their bed. I’m all for self-love, body positivity, etc., but these staged photos are nauseating. I get it, you wear underwear. Why does one feel the need to show the world what their obviously fake morning routines look like? Maybe once Instagram removes the likes function, there’ll be a reduction in these type of images on my feed. Here’s hoping.”— Sabrina, 26

Advertising a sponsored product at the weirdest places

Photo credit: @Flamcis

“Though I’m a micro-influencer — and a shameless one at that — I never understood why influencers my age pose with their sponsored products at unrelated locations. What can I say? It’s like they aren’t using their brain but instead opting for a place they can just show off their body any chance they get. I swear I’ve even seen male influencers advertise for a drink while in the swimming pool. Common sense, anyone? Creativity, please? ”— Karen*, 25

Spending frivolously on avocado on toast

Photo credit: @Theglasshousesg

“Sliced avocado on sourdough bread. Does that breed familiarity like a good old Sunday brunch? While I understand the lure of a lavish food setting, spending an average of $10-$20 on a single dish (which you can probably make at home) is not financially sound. I find that many millennials don’t even consider saving money anymore. The key is to start early if not you end up being one of those that ask your friends to borrow money for your school fees. Not cool. All you have to do is not splurge on brunches and make sure your bank account is in good form.”— Mariah, 30

Relying on your parents as your financial backup plan

millennials need to stop doing
Photo credit: @Bludshot

“I want to share this story about my colleague in hopes it will teach millennials not to leech off their parents. Let me call him Marcus. Marcus was an avid drinker, would spend any time he could booking short vacations and purchasing luxury goods even when he didn’t have the means. By the time he reached 30, he had little to no savings left. To add salt to the wound, he was getting married… which is my way of leading up to that he begged his parents to pay for his wedding. As one of his long-time colleagues and groomsmen, I bore witness to how he argued with his parents for not providing a financial backup plan for him… as if it was their duty to do so. Heartbreaking and disgusted can’t even describe how I felt. Little to say, I cut ties with him once he asked me if I would like to sponsor his honeymoon.”— Leonard, 33

Overusing text abbreviations that don’t even make sense

Photo credit: @Selflove.xc

“Text abbreviations need to stop, though I used to find them interesting to some extent — it isn’t quite made for the older millennials. You’re bound to experience confusion and growing impatience. I once received a text saying ‘is2g’. What on earth is that? I had to ask a younger co-worker what that meant (it means I swear to God). Who comes up with these abbreviations? I need answers… actually, I don’t. ”— Randolph, 36

Written by Sinead Lee.

Photo courtesy: @Weylie, @Flamcis, @Simuliu
*names have been changed