Nike’s ‘Don’t Do It’ Campaign For Black Lives Matter, And Where You Can Donate To Support The Cause

Over last weekend, Nike has released a statement across its social media platforms denouncing the systemic racism and injustice that have long plagued the USA. Presented in the form of a short video, it begins with a revision of their iconic slogan on a stark black background (more on this later) that reads, “For once, Don’t do it.”

This comes after weeks of protests and escalating riots throughout the western nation following the shocking violence and death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The video has since been retweeted by fellow mega-sportswear brand adidas as a sign of solidarity and support for Nike’s #UntilWeAllWin initiative.

adidas retweet of Nike’s Don’t Do It video.


With the sweeping movement gaining traction elsewhere in cities like Berlin and London, a list of luxury labels have likewise released public statements in support for BLM.

Top row from left to right: Statements from Loewe, Celine, Marc Jacobs.
Bottom row from left to right: Statements from Valentino, Saint Laurent Paris, Gucci.

Other emerging independent fashion designers have also responded in solidarity with Black Lives Matter (BLM) with a stark black post on Instagram with the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter and #BlackOutTuesday.

Source: 1, 2, 3

While those of us here in Singapore may feel detached from the ongoing BLM movement raging oceans away, that’s not to say that we can’t empathise with the struggles and challenges of their racial divide, especially since it similarly exists amongst the minority here on our own shores.

And as for those of us in the majority, it’s important to remember that it’s a privilege for us to learn about racism, instead of experiencing and/or betting our lives on its effects every day. So, though the chaos and riots in the USA aren’t physically felt on our doorsteps, its message doesn’t escape us when looking introspectively.

Thus, for your consideration, we have compiled a list of anti-racism non-profit organisations where you can donate and lend a helping hand for the ongoing BLM battle for equal human rights now.

Places to Donate

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The cover image for this article is courtesy to Shirien Damra.